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2022 July 26-31 American Angler Accurate 5-day Trip

2022 July 26-31 American Angler Accurate 5-day Trip

Brian Kiyohara captained the Accurate 5-day trip on the American Angler along with crew (Bradly, Kirk, Patrick, Barry, Javier and Chase).  We started fishing the Coronado Island area the day we departed, fished kelps for yellowtail the 2nd day and fished for BFT on the 3rd, 4th and 5th day (5 days of fishing on a 5-day trip is rather rare).  The 200# class BFT were night time knife jig fish with a lot of 100# BFT caught on flyline and torpedo sinker rigs during the day.  Everyone got a 100# BFT or bigger and everyone had a great time with too much to eat.

Thank you to Accurate Reels, Calstar Rods, Izorline, Salas Lures, Island Fishing Tackle, Tac Glue and Sportsman Seaforth Fish Processing for supporting the trip.

We plan on doing it again next year.  Can’t wait.  Contact the American Angler office to join us.


The Whole Gang is Here
Jackpot Winners (1st Wayne Hoshizaki 203# BFT; 2nd David Christensen 170# BFT; 3rd Joel Kruger 125# BFT; Honorable Mention Chris Paruolo 210# BFT)
The “Coors Light” Drinking Team were back in full force (3)
The Coors Light Team (Mike, Albert and Brian)
Jennifer with the first day Daily-Prize winning BFT
Jennifer won the first Daily-Prize; Accurate Piranha Plier/Sheath/Lanyard
Kevin won the 2nd Daily-Prize; Calstar 7400H rod blank
Brett won the 3rd Daily-Prize; The just out Accurate TERN2 500 reel
Joel with the big fish on Day 4
Joel won the 4th Daily-Prize; Mahi colored Accurate Valiant 600N reel


Chris landed a 210# BFT with a night time knife jig.
Chris won the 5th Daily-Prize for the 210# BFT; Customized trip water bottle


The 210# BFT was the largest fish for the trip and so Chris won the Jack Nilsen Jackpot trophy
Christ used one of Accurate Demos (BV2-800N, 100# Izorline braid with the new multicolored spectra and 100# mono topshot)
Chris became the first member of the Accurate 200# club and is holding his membership card (a brass Accurate 200# coin) Catching the fish with a Accurate reel is a requirement. for membership.
Wayne hooked the other cow BFT. Kirk providing guidance and assistance.
Wayne is getting close, rod on the rail with lots of pressure on the BFT. Barry making sure that nothing goes wrong.
Success. Congratulations Wayne. 203# BFT
Brian holding up Kubs nice yellowtail. You can tell it is one of Kubs fish by the colored fish tag.
Wayne hooked during the daytime.
Jennifer was the “hot stick” and only on her 3rd trip. Great job.
Jeff trying to keep up with sister Jennifer.
Rick on the rail. I am sure glad you did not have black spectra on the new Valiant reel.
Albert on the bow.
Bradly helping out someone get around the corner.
Brian on the bow (probably following Albert and looking for a Coors Light.
Hey Alan.
Jason got a good one again this year, just like last year.
Kirk putting fish scales on one of my outfits.
Kirk gave me back my outfit, with scales.
Pull Rick. No pull Rick, don’t just stand there
Your smiling too much and not pulling enough Rick
David is on a good one on the bow.
Here is David’s good one.
Jeff still trying to keep up with sister Jennifer (not succeeding).
Looks like bluefin fishing in the bow.
Look closely. Everyone is fishing but only Dave is catching.
Pretty crowded up in the bow on this trip. Must be BFT fishing.
Kub on a BFT with Kirk trying to pass a rod under.
Get um Barry (another 100# BFT)
Hi Jennifer, hows your brother doing?


Brother Jeff got one.
The Coors Light Drinking Team with the Sardine Stealing Birds Team on the rail.
Albert had a birthday on the trip so Javier backed him a cake.
Happy Birthday Albert.
Daily-Prize Winners
Angler List for the trip and so we can see who had the most beers

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