Accurate 5-day American Angler Trip; July 21-26 2019

Accurate 5-day American Angler Trip; July 21-26 2019

We got off to a early start on the Accurate 5-day  trip with Ray Lopez at the helm.  We took a little bit of a boat ride to fish yellowtail first.  Then it was even further to fish the yellowfin.  We knew we were in the right spot since there were at least 6 large seiners in the area and one of them was trying to wrap our yellowfin along with the American Angler.  The last 2 days was dedicated to chasing bluefin tuna to settle the jackpot.  Every trip has some sort of uniqueness that sets it apart from other trips.  We had 5 multi-generation families on this trip along with a couple of groups from past trips.  Family affair comes to mind.  By the end of the trip we were all friends with all of the families.

I posted as many photos as I had from the first half of the trip.  My camera had a malfunction in the middle of the trip so I did not get any on-deck photos for the last couple of days.  I will bring my new camera and my backup waterproof camera next year.

I wanted to thank my sponsors that supported this trip.  Accurate Fishing Products for providing loaner Accurate reels, Calstar rods for providing the rods for these reels, Izorline  for providing the spectra, mono and fluoro for these loaners, Salas lures, Island Tackle, TacGlue and Sportsmans Seafood Fish Processing.  This is an annual trip that we have been doing for several years.  If you want to join in the fun next year, just give Lori a call at the American Angler office (619 223-5414).

Thank you for checking out this blog,

Gary Teraoka

Congratuations to Jackpot winners: 1st place Dave Lawson 53# BFT, 2nd place Mike Uyeki 47# BFT, 3rd place Harry Yamada 46.5# BFT


Congratulations to Nick Odonnell for winning the first daily prize, a Calstar 700L rod. Tim Harlan was a close second and received a Calstar t-shirt.


Congratulations to Jim Odonnell for winning the 2nd daily prize, a Accurate plier/sheath/lanyard. If the last name sound familar, Jim and Nick are father and son daily prize winners.


Congratulations to Dave Larson for winning the combined 3rd & 4th daily prize (largest BFT over 2 days). Dave won a Accurate Valiant 500 and 500 yds of 65# Izorline spectra.  (400 yds of 65# spectra will fit perfectly on the 500 Valiant)


Additional congratulations to Dave Larson as his 53# BFT was the largest fish for the trip and won Dave the Accurate Jackpot trophy


Kevin Tamayo hooked up.


We had several multi-generation families on this trip. Here is father Tony and son Tim Harlan.


Crerwmember Nick showing off the Accurate t-shirts from the trip.


Crew member Rocco with a Calstar shirt from my Calstar trip last month.


Mike is bit and lifting on something decent.


Now we know what Mike was pulling on, a 2nd place BFT.


Gary Cooper with a bent rod.


Rocco taking a nice yellowtail over to the kill tank for processing.


Nick with his daily prize winning yellowtail.


Mike looks real excited with this nice yellowtail.


The 300 Accurate Valiant with a cork grip 800XLH Calstar rod was a fantastic combination for 25# and 30# line. Super light and comfortable.


Here is a side view of the Valiant/Calstar combination at work.
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